Sale of sustainable and solidarity-based clothing

The many donations of clothing we receive at the home far exceed the needs of the residents. This gave rise to the idea of organising a charity sale of second-hand clothes, the profits of which will be donated to the association.

The Arabelle pop-up team took up residence for 3 weeks in a space in the restaurant Un R de Famille, near the HUG.

From 3 month bodysuits to women's hats, trainers and evening dresses, there was something for everyone at a very low price.

The big challenge was to involve the residents as much as possible in the realisation of this project. Some of them came several times to do ironing, sort out baby clothes and help with the tidying up.

We took the opportunity to display the beautiful images taken by Rebecca Bowring during her last photo reports in Arabelle

Assessment of this first pop-up:

  • 4'000 CHF raised for Arabelle

  • A nice participation of several women residents

  • Promotion of second-hand fashion, a gesture for the planet

  • Many clients who have discovered Arabelle's work

A big thank you to all the people who brought us clothes, and to all the people who stopped by to shop!